Home > Control Circuits > Newspaper column timing light controller circuit (1)

Newspaper column timing light controller circuit (1)

Source: InternetPublisher:张三叔 Keywords: controller circuit lighting Updated: 2021/10/02

89. Newspaper column <strong>Timing</strong> light <strong>Controller circuit</strong> (1).gif

It is a newspaper column timing light controller composed of two electronic watches. Electronic watch 1 is used to set
the daily light on time, and electronic watch 2 is used to determine the daily light off time.
    The NE555 time base circuit forms a typical RS flip-flop. When the circuit is first powered on, Ding C is used. Charging, the
circuit automatically recovers, pin ③ outputs low level , relay K does not operate, and the newspaper column light F lights up. At this time,
the transistors VTl--VT3 are all in the cut-off state. Both electronic meters should use digital meters with alarm LjJ functions. The signals
are taken from both ends of the piezoelectric ceramics in the meter. Set the starting time i~ji in table 1 to the time when the lights are on, such as 18:00, and the
starting time lbJ in table 2 to the time when the lights are on, such as 24:00. In this way, when it reaches 18 o'clock in the evening, Table 1 starts
to ask, and the alarm signal passes through C, DC isolation, VDI, VD2 rectifier, and is sent to AR. , C, the integral circuit composed of makes
the voltage across G increase. When it rises to 0.65V, VT1 is turned on, causing the trigger terminal ② pin of NF555 to jump to
low level, Al is set, ③ pin outputs high level, the relay K absorbs the platform, and its moving platform contact kl When closed,
the lighting lamp E is energized and emits light. When the r alarm signal ends and G is discharged, V1 and 1 return to cut-off, but the circuit can
maintain this state until 24:00 in the middle of the night, when meter 2 starts to alarm. In the same way, the alarm signal will turn on VT2
. VT3 is also turned on, causing the threshold terminal ⑥ of the rigid base circuit to jump to high level, Al is reset, ③
foot returns to low level , the relay is released, and the lighting lamp E goes out. When the alarm signal in Table 2 is connected. VT2 and
VT3 resumed cutting IE one after another, but the circuit status remained unchanged until 18:00 in the evening on day t, when the lights
crossed white and lit...




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