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Wide voltage stepper motor controller circuit

Source: InternetPublisher:toothache Keywords: Wide voltage controller circuit stepper motor motor controller Updated: 2021/07/29

2.<strong>Wide voltage</strong><strong>Stepper motor</strong><strong>Controller circuit</strong>.gif

Working principle of the circuit: As can be seen from the figure, IC, (LF356) wide-band operational amplifier
constitutes a square wave clock signal generator, and the potentiometer RP. It is used to adjust the oscillation frequency and adjust
the speed of the stepper motor . The IC2 (4017) decimal counter is a step signal forming
circuit. As the rising edge of the clock pulse signal at the 14-pin input terminal arrives, the
Qo~Q9 output terminals of the counter rise to high level in sequence. VD,, VD:,R, and VD3, VD. ,
R6 constitutes two OR gate output circuits, which respectively send out the same frequency and 90 phase difference. The
"I" and "Q" step control signals. "I" is the initial phase signal, "Q" is the phase shift by
90. Signal.





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