A beginner was trapped by the garbage code of the development board for a whole night
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I am using the AX309 development board from Heijin and I am a beginner in FPGA. Today I simulated the serial port routine in their tutorial. First, I had a problem simulating a simple clock divider module.
First, here is their code:
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
// Module Name: clkdiv
// 产生一个波特率9600的16倍频的时钟,9600*16= 153600
// 相当于50MHz的326分频,50000000/153600=326
module clkdiv(clk50, clkout);
input clk50; //系统时钟
output clkout; //采样时钟输出
reg clkout;
reg [15:0] cnt;
always @(posedge clk50)
if(cnt == 16'd162)
clkout <= 1'b1;
cnt <= cnt + 16'd1;
else if(cnt == 16'd325)
clkout <= 1'b0;
cnt <= 16'd0;
cnt <= cnt + 16'd1;
The test code I wrote:
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
// Additional Comments:
module DIV_tb;
// Inputs
reg CLK_50M;
// Outputs
wire CLK_DIV;
// Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
clkdiv uut (
initial begin
// Initialize Inputs
CLK_50M = 0;
// Wait 100 ns for global reset to finish
// Add stimulus here
#10 CLK_50M = ~CLK_50M;
There seems to be no problem with the code, but when it is imported into modelsim for simulation, I am dumbfounded. The output of the module is always X, with a red line until the end of the simulation.
Then I read various books and compared the code, but I still couldn't figure out what went wrong. Later, I saw something related on a web page, and I suspected that the counter was not reset, which caused the state uncertainty. Then I changed the code, added the reset signal to the module and the testbench, and then the simulation results were correct, and the clock frequency division signal finally had output:
From this incident, we can see how important it is to write code rigorously and conduct simulation tests. This company's products are really misleading. However, objectively speaking, I still have to thank them. If it weren't for this, I wouldn't have realized the importance of reset and initial value.