Home > Power Circuits >Power Circuits > TOP22X series switching power supply suitable for beginners

TOP22X series switching power supply suitable for beginners

Source: InternetPublisher:太白金星 Keywords: Switching Power Supply Updated: 2024/07/08

Although the TOP22X series came out earlier, it has simple periphery and high efficiency, suitable for beginners to make. The figure below is the real data of mass production. The transformers are all made of PC40 material. It is also suitable for single-ended flyback switching power supplies driven by other chips at 100KHZ!

TOP series power supply suitable for beginners (with transformer data, accurate parameters) TOP22X series SMPS


1. 12V/1A, 12W power supply. IC uses TOP223Y, 100KHz.
    Core: EE19, breath: 0.15mm, primary inductance: 950uH, 
    primary: diameter 0.21 single wire wound 110T, secondary: 0.41*2 wound 11T, feedback: 8T
2. 12V/1.5A, 18W power supply. IC uses TOP223Y, 100KHz.
    Core: EE22, breath: 0.2mm, primary inductance: 900uH, 
    primary: diameter 0.26 single wire winding 85T, secondary: 0.47*3 winding 10T, feedback: 8T
3. 12V/2A, 24W power supply. IC uses TOP223Y, 100KHz.
    Magnetic core: EE25, breath: 0.25mm, primary inductance: 850uH, 
    primary: diameter 0.33 single wire winding 85T secondary: 0.47*4 winding 10T, feedback: 8T
4. 12V/2.5A, 30W power supply. IC uses TOP223Y, 100KHz.
    Core: PQ2020, breath: 0.25mm, primary inductance: 800uH, 
    primary: diameter 0.33 single wire winding 75T, secondary: 0.47*5 winding 9T, feedback: 6T
5. 12V/3A, 36W power supply. IC uses TOP224Y, 100KHz.
    Magnetic core: EC28, breath: 0.25mm, primary inductance: 730uH, 
    primary: diameter 0.33 single wire winding 60T, secondary: 0.47*5 winding 8T, feedback: 5T
6. 12V/4.2A, 50W power supply. IC uses TOP224Y, 100KHz.
    Magnetic core: PQ2620, breath: 0.25mm, primary inductance: 700uH, 
    primary: diameter 0.33 single wire wrapped 50T, secondary: 0.47*8 wrapped 6T, feedback: 4T
7. 12V/5A, 75W power supply. IC uses TOP225Y, 100KHz.
    Magnetic core: PQ2625, breath: 0.3mm, primary inductance: 600uH, 
    primary: diameter 0.41 single wire wound 48T, secondary: 0.47*8 wound 6T, feedback: 4T
8. 12V/8.1A, 100W power supply. IC uses TOP227Y, 100KHz.
    Magnetic core: EC35, breath: 0.35mm, primary inductance: 550uH, 
    primary: diameter 0.41*2 around 45T, secondary: 0.47*15 around 6T, feedback: 4T
9. 12V/10A, 120W power supply. IC uses TOP227Y, 100KHz.
    Magnetic core: PQ3230, breath: 0.35mm, primary inductance: 450uH, 
    primary: diameter 0.41*2 around 38T, secondary: 0.47*18 around 5T, feedback: 3T




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