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Automatic lighting control circuit

Source: InternetPublisher:笑流年 Updated: 2015/05/13

Relevant key device information applied in this article: The core component of the TWH9250 radar automatic lighting control circuit is the microwave detection module TWH9250. The detection distance of this circuit can reach more than 5m. When someone enters the detection range, the circuit is triggered, and the TWH9250 The output terminal outputs a low level, the relay K is powered on, and the light is lit. Until 10 seconds after the person leaves the above range, the circuit automatically resets and the light goes out. The R end of the TWH9250 is connected to the photoresistor. During the day, its resistance is very small, and the potential of the R end is pulled down, so the circuit does not work. However, at night, the resistance of the photoresistor is extremely large, and the potential of the R end increases; the circuit is in a monitoring state. .




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