Two-way touch switch (1)

Source: InternetPublisher:ghaytweyhtoo Keywords: switch touch type BSP photoresistor Updated: 2020/10/12

18. Two-way<strong>touch</strong><strong>switch</strong> (1).gif

Neon bubbles vl, V2 and photoresistor RGI form a "light-on" optocoupler device. Ml is the "light-on" touch
electrode piece. When a human hand touches Ml, the neon bubble Vl emits light, which increases the resistance of the photoresistor RGI. becomes smaller, the triac
VS1 will get enough trigger current to turn on, and the bulb H will be energized and emit light. At the same time, the neon bubble V2 is also energized and emits light, and its
light shines on the ROI, making the resistance of R01 smaller. Therefore, even when the human hand leaves the electrode sheet M1, the circuit can still protect itself, so that
the lamp H remains lit.
    Neon bubble V3 and photoresistor RG2 form a "lights-off" optocoupler device, and M2 is a "lights-off" touch electrode.
When you need to turn off the light, just touch M2 with your hand. At this time, V3 will light up, making the resistance of the photoresistor RG2 smaller.
The triac VS2 will get enough trigger current to turn on. Its turning on will cause the control electrode of VSI to be short-circuited. , causing VS1 to lose the trigger
current. When the alternating current crosses zero, it is turned off, and the lamp H goes out, thereby realizing the operation of turning off the lights.




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