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  • Vega Development Platform-Introduction to the Startup Process
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  • Duration:12 minutes and 47 seconds
  • Date:2024/09/28
  • Uploader:宋元浩
keywords: RISC-V
The RSC-V architecture has attracted great attention from the industry in a very short period of time. From many
small companies that react quickly to powerful giant companies (such as Alibaba, Huawei, etc.), they have all begun
to use the RISC-V architecture to develop products. Especially in the field of embedded Internet of Things, whether
it is the hardware processor core or the software tool chain, the RSC-V architecture processor has the ability
to replace traditional commercial embedded processors (such as ARM Cortex-M processors)
. This course will teach RSC-V embedded system development step by step, and
quickly master the strongest free open source architecture in actual combat!
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