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How to Design for Power Integrity: Looking for Power Delivery Noise Issues

Total of 1 lesson ,10 minutes and 51 seconds

This video provides an understanding of how the voltage regulator module (VRM) interacts with the printed circuit board planes and decoupling capacitors within a power distribution network (PDN).    A well designed PDN provides optimum system performance while a poorly matched designed PDN can result in poor system performance.  In the extreme case, rogue waves can occur within the PDN generating much higher voltage noise levels than expected, potentially interfering with system performance or resulting in permanent damage.  Recommendations for keeping the impedance flat are also provided.

This video explains how the Voltage Regulator Module (VRM) interacts with the printed circuit board planes and decoupling capacitors within the Power Distribution Network (PDN). A well-designed PDN provides optimal system performance, while a poorly designed PDN may result in degraded system performance. In extreme cases, rogue waves may appear within the PDN, producing higher than expected voltage noise levels that may interfere with system performance or cause permanent damage. Recommendations for keeping the impedance flat are also provided.

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