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  • Transceiver-filter and switch
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  • Duration:13 minutes and 50 seconds
  • Date:2024/06/30
  • Uploader:桂花蒸
keywords: circuit Millimeter wave
Course Introduction: This digital course covers three topics: microwave/millimeter wave active and passive circuits, microwave/millimeter wave signal source design, and radio frequency transceiver system parameters.

□ Course objectives: To train students to have a full understanding of radio frequency transceiver systems and circuits, and to provide students with design examples to understand the implementation of various key radio frequency circuits.

■ Course unit:
Unit 1. Frequency synthesizer
1-1 Introduction to frequency synthesizer
1-2 Frequency synthesizer architecture
1-3 Frequency control and switching speed
1-4 Frequency synthesizer model
1-5 Frequency response of frequency synthesizer
1- 6 Signal tracking and locking of frequency synthesizer
1-7 Frequency synthesizer’s frequency locking range and stabilization time
1-8 Phasor and phase noise analysis
1-9 Phase noise of frequency synthesizer
1-10 Stability of frequency synthesizer Degree
1-11 Fractional frequency synthesizer
1-12 Difference integral modulation fractional frequency synthesizer

Unit 2.
2-1 Power and gain expression method (Part1)
2-1 Power and gain expression method (Part2)
2-2 Phase noise (Part1)
2-2 Phase noise (Part2)
2-3 Common nonlinear parameters of RF transceiver systems (Part1)
2-3 Common nonlinear parameters of RF transceiver systems (Part2)
2-3 Common RF transceivers System nonlinear parameters (Part3)
2-3 Common nonlinear parameters of RF transceiver systems (Part4)
2-3 Common nonlinear parameters of RF transceiver systems (Part5)
2-3 Common nonlinear parameters of RF transceiver systems (Part6)
2 -4 Noise index and sensitivity (Part1)
2-4 Noise index and sensitivity (Part2)
2-4 Noise index and sensitivity (Part3)

Unit 3-1. Transceiver circuit and system
3-1 Part1 Transceiver-Signal Transmitting and Receiving
3-1 Part2 Transmitting End-Upconverter Mixer and Power Amplifier
3-1 Part3 Transmitting and Receiving End-Filter and Switch
3-1 Part4 Receiving End-Low Noise Amplifier and Down-frequency Mixer
Unit 3-2. Frequency Modulation Radar Design and Application
3-2 Part1 Frequency Modulation Continuous Wave Radar
3-2 Part2 Monopulse Radar
3-2 Part3 CMOS Radar Design and Application
Unit 3-3. Network Analysis and Its Application
3-3 Part1 Dual Port network-impedance and admittance parameters and their analysis on balun
3-3 Part2 Dual-port network-analysis of transmission matrix
3-3 Part3 Single-frequency power divider and dual-frequency rat path coupler
3-3 Part4 Miniaturization Coupler Design
3-3 Part5 Multi-port Measurement and Buried Method
Unit 3-4. CMOS Active Circuit
3-4 Part1 CMOS Low Noise Amplifier
3-4 Part2 Millimeter Wave CMOS Circuit Considerations
3-4 Part3 CMOS Power Amplifier
3 - 4 Part4 Double Push Voltage Controlled Oscillator
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