Multimeter DC voltage measurement circuit
Source: InternetPublisher:子丑寅卯 Keywords: Multimeter voltage measurement DC voltage measuring circuit Updated: 2021/12/21
When measuring DC voltage , you can place the right conversion switch of the multimeter in the V position and the left range selection switch in any DC voltage
range. At this time, the measurement circuit composition is as shown in the figure.
It can be seen from the picture. When measuring DC
voltage, four
resistors with shunt resistances ranging from 1.5 to 675fl are connected in series with 12kn and 2.25kfl. The lkn
and 1.4kfl potentiometers are connected in series and then
connected in series with the meter. This
is the same circuit as when measuring 50yA' DC current .
The additional resistance circuit is a shared type, in which
the additional resistance of the 2.5V range is 11-4kfl+
35.6kR=47kn. The remaining ranges increase with the range
, and their additional resistances also increase accordingly. For example,
the additional resistance of the .soov range is 5MC1, 3Mfl, 1Mfl,
800kn, 150kfl, 47k0, etc. 6 resistors
are connected in series, the total is 1OMfl, so the DC voltage range The voltage
sensitivity is
When measuring the high voltage of 2500 volts, as long as the range switch is not placed in Z. In the 5v gear, all other gears provide access. The measuring rod is connected to the "2500V"
and "*" jacks. The dedicated 1OMfl resistor for the high voltage range is used as an additional resistor instead of the 25-500V additional resistor. But the shunt
resistance is different from the 25-500V range.
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