SH-868 Holiday Lights ASIC

Source: InternetPublisher:aytwartoofyoroo Keywords: ASIC lantern BSP Updated: 2020/06/21

38.SH-868 Holiday<strong>Lights</strong><strong>Application Specific Integrated Circuit</strong>.gif

Figure 2-80 is a music flash circuit made with SH-868 integrated circuit. The circuit is powered by 3 dry batteries.
It can drive the light-emitting tube to flash and emit light, and at the same time, the speaker can also emit electronic music sounds stored in the chip
.     SB is the function selection button. Each time you press it, you can select a function. There are 7 functions to choose from: 1. Music + four
lights beating at the same time with the music; 2. Music + two lights listening at the same time with the music: 3. Music + The single light jumps with the music; 4. The music
+ double lights jump with the music; 5. The music + the four lights jump automatically with the music; 6. The four lights jump automatically without music; 7. The four
lights are all on without music. If pin 10 of the chip is connected to the positive power supply and pin II is left floating, the function will repeat at pin 14.




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