1. Sensor: A device or apparatus that can sense a specified quantity and convert it into a usable output signal according to certain rules. It usually consists of a sensitive element and a conversion
I am a beginner in circuits. U28 is an inverter. S1 and S2 are signal lines. What are the functions of C48, C49, R59 and R60? R59 and R60 are grounded. [[i] This post was last edited by 1`` on 2011-8-
An integer i is defined; always @ (posedge clk or negedge rst) begin for (i=0;i<7;i=i+1) begin encode[55-i*7:52-i*7]<=data_in[31-i*4:28-i*4]; end end Error: Quartus Error: i is not a constant Modelsim
I would like to ask if anyone has used the BMP085 pressure sensor before? I would like to know how to convert the altitude value measured by it into the speed value? Thank you very much, urgent~~~ Cou