I am so worried. The interrupt programs of ADC12 and Time_A run normally. When I add the separately debugged serial program, I still cannot receive complete data. Sometimes even the sampling and outpu
[p=26, null, left][color=#333333][font=Arial][size=14px]The specific settings can be found in Control Panel -> System -> Memory after the system starts. The default is to split the memory 50-50, half
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I have seen a problem elsewhere, but I don't know how to do it myself. I am quite interested in it, so I would like to ask an expert to configure a 512*24bit fifo and M4K RAM block. [img]file:///C:\Us
[size=3][color=#0000ff]Congratulations @PowerAnts @ihalin @suoma @shihuntaotie @wanglong137136 @freebsder @lcofjp The above netizens have posted their applications as required and will be mailed to th