[b][indent]In this article, we discussed the knowledge points related to affine transformation and SURF feature point description in OpenCV, mainly understanding the functions warpAffine and getRotati
The functions of the CMD configuration file are: 1. Divide the program space and data space into small blocks and name them. 2. Organize and arrange to fill each of the divided small blocks with progr
[:O][:D][:)][:)][:)][:)]The past 30 years have been crucial for the global electronics industry. It is no exaggeration to say that it was during these 30 years that the foundation of today’s electroni
A complete project requires at least four files:
1. Command files ending with .cmd are used to allocate storage space.
2. C language system library rts2xx.lib. The system library includes all the
In Nor Flash, there is a concept of a boot sector (sometimes also called a boot block). This concept should only apply to Nor Flash. Because Nand Flash cannot be directly addressed, there is no Boot S