External interrupts are the lowest priority interrupts of MSP430 and are maskable interrupts. They are relatively simple to use. 1.2.7 Simple port interrupts (external interrupts) All ports of P1 and
Electrical Engineering : https://training.eeworld.com.cn/course/4534The motor is an electromechanical energy conversion device, and it is also a component in the power system and automatic control sys
I have a problem with my course practice. The requirements are as follows: Design a simple virtual digital oscilloscope. Based on the selected embedded system chip, design the panel and waveform progr
[img]http://i0.sinaimg.cn/dy/s/2009-01-15/cdbf589995e628d241eac3df591fc2cf.jpg[/img] Joss Greenslade, a woman from Cullompton, Devon, England, found that her pet Amazon parrot Chico had unexpectedly "