[table=98%][tr][td][/td][/tr][tr][td][table=98%][tr][td=2,1][color=#03438d][size=14px]4-20mA one-way to multiple-way signal isolation amplifier low-cost, small volume solution[/size][/color][/td][/tr]
I customized the operating system according to my own requirements. After BUILD, I don't know why the NK.BIN file cannot be generated. There is a nk.exe file. What are the settings related to generati
As miniaturization continues, component and wiring technology has also made great progress, such as highly integrated micro ICs in BGA housings and insulation spacing between conductors reduced to 0.5
[i=s] This post was last edited by qiankunweixiu on 2018-9-1 15:23 [/i]This is a 72V25A lead-acid battery control board. The current fault is that the microcontroller works, but there is no output at