The board is finally out, but I can't enter the interrupt during debugging. The system clock and external interrupt are the same. I will post the configuration code of the system clock first. I hope t
[i=s]This post was last edited by damiaa on 2016-1-3 17:12[/i] Today I ran the MBED graphics software example on stm32f469NI-Discovery: DISCO-F469NI_LCDTS_demoThe above is the touch effect example: DI
[i=s]This post was last edited by keqingbo on 2016-7-23 20:55[/i] Course recommendation: Hands on Sensorless InstaSPIN-FOC Motor Control Technology. The English title is Hands on Sensorless InstaSPIN-
Brother Niu went to the park for a walk on the day of the Dragon Head Raising on February 2. It was a beautiful spring day with a gentle breeze and a gentle breeze. There were many bald old men walkin