I saw a 232 serial communication program. Because I only did single-byte transmission before, the program was relatively simple. Now I want to understand multi-byte transmission. I read some informati
I am an undergraduate student of electronic information engineering and will graduate in July this year. I recently applied for a job as a technician in a company that mainly develops and manufactures
[i=s]This post was last edited by gs001588 on 2021-12-26 00:03[/i][Evaluation of domestic FPGA Gaoyun GW1N-4 series development board]——7. Digital tube display stopwatchBased on the previous post, it
Power quality analyzers are used to continuously monitor and analyze power lines for disturbances that could disrupt safe and reliable energy delivery or cause damage to equipment plugged into the gri
Below is the performance of the antenna with base plateThis is the performance of the antenna without a base plate:Why is the performance of the antenna without the base plate much worse than that wit