Mitsubishi high-speed counter has program start and external S-terminal start. Will it start only when both are "1", or will it start when only one is "1"?
I saw someone on the forum saying that he couldn't find the model of the MSP430G2452 included in the LaunchPad touchpad in IAR.I checked and the IAR FOR MSP430 (version 5.1) I use doesn't have it eith
Some personal experiences: 1. Deeply understand digital circuit design, such as D flip-flop, inverter and other basic circuits. 2. Master HDL design language thoroughly, and think of hardware circuits
I am learning PIC microcontrollers recently. Mainly for PIC16f877a, I would like to ask, when using PIC to program in C language, can the port registers be bit-operated? And which registers can be bit
The 2440 development board is powered by a battery, but the battery icon cannot be displayed. How can I display the battery icon and display the real-time battery power? Please help me. Thank you very