I am going to let the microcontroller communicate via radio frequency, and I bought two E10-433MD radio frequency modules from Chengdu Yibite. The modules use the SI4463 chip. I have been looking for
In the past two days, I have noticed that Google has a problem of prompting that there are malicious programs, so I took the following picture:When an advertisement block appears in the lower right co
[b]Purpose[/b] Compare the test accuracy of several ultrasonic sensors to provide a reference for everyone's use. [b]Methods[/b] Write different programs into microbit, use McQueen's ultrasonic sensor
Why does the win32 program compiled under VS08 fail to open the serial port? I built a program for the STANDARDSDK MIPSII platform device and put it into the device. After connecting the device serial
Send a set of TI precision amplifier quick start kit, and tell me what you want to do with it. [url=http://www.ti.com.cn/tool/cn/ampquickkit-evm?DCMP=quickstartkit2015&HQS=hpa-pa-opamp-quickstartkit20
The touch screen was scratched because of a problem with the stylus. I communicated with the supplier and they admitted that there was such a problem. How do you guys solve this bug? ?