The hardware circuit design of a single-chip microcomputer application system includes two parts: one is system expansion, that is, when the functional units inside the single-chip microcomputer, such
There are two manuals in the compressed file, which are in WORD document format, very suitable for readers to copy and write related materials. One is "PROTEL 99 SE Feature Manual.doc" and the other i
Why can't I enter EEWORLD University? It keeps prompting me to fill in all the information. Is it not enough if I have already filled in all the options marked with *? ?
Use LM3S9B96 for debugging, environment keil4, and the simulator is Zhou Ligong's DK9
The Flash burning program initialization failed. BS ??? Can't debug, and the program can't be downloaded. Can anyo
Sharing of sensorless FOC portable refrigerator application solution based on MM32SPIN series MCU : contents are as follows:Introduction to portable refr