I am a newbie, a layman, and I have just come into contact with 51[color=#000000]single-chip computers[/color]. I want to try the human infrared module HC-SR501 as a switch, and the buzzer will sound
I sent the shell picture to Pathfinder early in the morning and asked him to give us some suggestions on LED selection from a professional perspective. The reply I got was as follows:The single workin
Thermal Assessment of Electronic Products
A good product should meet at least two points: 1. Meet regulatory and standard requirements; 2. Provide good user experience.
Regulations and standards will
Do I need to add a 12pF capacitor to the capacitor on the board?I am using a 32Khz crystal oscillator, but it doesn’t vibrate. Here are my crystal oscillator settings. PJSEL0 |= BIT4 + BIT5; CSCTL0_H