Design Name: IGBT DriverProject description: Use the GD32 pwm module to make an IGBT driver, which uses two timers, one for the high frequency part and the other for the low frequency part.System bloc
Create a "working copy" of the LED data in a ulab/numpy array and use the ulab functions wherever possible. Then at the last possible moment, copy the information from the working copy into the real L
[backcolor=white][color=#000000][size=4][/size] [size=4]This circuit feels like I have seen a similar circuit in the analog circuit class. [/size] [size=4] After reading other people's simple explanat
Live Replay: Infineon / Weikeng - Market environment is uncertain, but Infineon is very sure to protect IoT devices :
#pragma DATA_SECTION(function name or global variable name, "user-defined segment name in data space"); #pragma CODE_SECTION(function name or global variable name, "user-defined segment name in progra