As the title says, I would like to trouble you to give me some guidance. I am a beginner in GCC and MIPS, and I hope you can give me some advice:) Thank you!
Does anyone have the digital-to-analog conversion circuit diagram of the pH glass electrode? Can the ADC0809 be used to perform digital-to-analog conversion on the pH glass electrode?
[size=2]People who are not suitable to learn single-chip microcomputers are likely to ask: What should I learn? --- Shouldn't you just learn the basics? You don't even know what a single-chip microcom
Why can't this program be used in stvd? /*interrupt function*/ #pragma vector=15//interrupt vector plus 2 __interrupt void TIMER2_IRQHander() { Key_Value=keyscan(); TIM2_ClearITPendingBit(TIM2_IT_UPDA