The broadband of China Unicom at home will automatically change the IP every 3 days (I think, or 5 days). At first, I used no-ip, and both the optical modem and Raspberry Pi used this (I don’t know wh
TI CCS is an integrated development environment. Starting from version CCSv7, no license is required. If you are using CCSv4, CCSv5, or CCSv6, please download a free full-featured license from the TI
[align=left][font=微软雅黑][size=3]At the end of 2018, various news reports began to say that the semiconductor industry was facing a "cold winter", and the performance of major semiconductor factories ar
We use our own developed chip SE9020 to launch a universal charging solution. Compared with the products on the market, the biggest highlight is the automatic identification of battery polarity and la
A design scheme of real-time monitoring system for fax information based on single-chip microcomputer. The basic principles and procedures of three types of fax communication, the selection and applic