The naming method specified in the original departmental standard is X XXX XX. Circuit type, circuit series and circuit specification symbol, circuit package, T: TTL; Variety serial number (phonetic l
Voice control and voice interfaces have begun to permeate all cutting-edge consumer device categories. Advances in speech recognition algorithms and AI accelerator hardware mean that the technology ca
//This platform is msp430f149#includemsp430.hvoid select_xt2(void){unsigned char i;/*------Select the system main clock as 8MHz-------*/BCSCTL1 = ~XT2OFF; //Turn on the XT2 high-frequency crystal osci
I remember seeing someone asking about MCU decryption a few days ago, so I'd like to share this with you. This is a paper written by a Russian (it has been translated), which is very good. It describe
This is an ultrasonic ranging reference circuit from ADI
The ultrasonic frequency is 40KHz
The first question is, for example, the cutoff frequency of the high-pass filter composed of C10 and R6 is 41