I'm new to launchpad for msp430. Every time I burn the program into the microcontroller, the test LED above doesn't work. I need to disconnect the development board from the computer first and then re
My target machine has been correctly booted with the floppy disk, but when connecting the host and target machines, it always shows a timeout and cannot connect? What should I do? What should I pay at
Um, I'm doing my graduation project and learning LabVIEW... I know nothing. Then the teacher insisted that I use Signal Express to call LabVIEW VIs, hoping to enhance the function of Signal Express. T
answer: There are many types of field effect transistors, including junction FET, depletion MOSFET, and enhancement MOSFET. Each type is divided into P-channel and N-channel. The symbols and character
Hello everyone: I have a question about Zigbee. Suppose two zigbee networks are very close, and I buy a new zigbee device to join my own network. The question is: how does my zigbee device know where
When using C2000, engineers often say that the chip simulation can run, but the stand-alone run cannot run; or when debugging, reset the chip > run, and find that the program cannot run. The main reas