In response to these issues related to certification that often cause misunderstandings, we hope that through the content of this forum, we hope to help test engineers, metrology engineers and quality system engineers understand more about the laboratory accreditation and metrology standards behind the small accreditation label, as well as choose What kind of accredited laboratory can ensure the accuracy, standardization and integrity of instrument measurement?
The World Cup has finally decided the winner. France and Italy may not have been favored by others beforehand, but they were the two teams in the final. Brazil, Germany and Argentina, which many peopl
1. What is the difference between a response and a non-response? Regarding the response of i2c: For each receiving device (slave), when it is addressed, it is required to generate a response after rec
Recently I received a file stm32fxxx_hal_libraries-master shared by netizens. It contains a lot of resources. I won’t say much, just show the pictures.Like DS18B20, HD44780, NRF24L01P, GPS, MPU6050, e
I am a novice and this is my first time porting a system. During the porting process, I encountered the following problems. I tried to post all the relevant functions: In os_cpu.h, I defined the funct