Many, if not most, machines are controlled by specialized computers called programmable logic controllers (PLCs). The roots of this trend can be traced back to the late 1960s, when machines and assemb
The general manager of the company went on a business trip. After finishing his business, he asked the driver to take him around . The purpose of the trip was to buy some gifts for his wife. Every tim
ot@localhost u-boot-1.1.6]# export PATH=/ning/2.95.3/bin:$PATH
[root@localhost u-boot-1.1.6]# make B2_config
Configuring for B2 board...
[root@localhost u-boot-1.1.6]# make
for dir in tools examples p
(1) What is a data bus? No matter how many ECUs a car has, no matter how large its information capacity is, each ECU only needs to lead out two wires and connect them to two nodes. These two wires are
I want to share a set of programs for the router and terminal programs, and distinguish them by external pin levels. After the integration is completed, I found that the router can send and receive da