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Live Replay: In-depth explanation of Infineon OBC solution

Total of 1 lesson ,1 hours and 39 seconds

The electric vehicle on-board charger (OBC) charges the main battery from the high voltage (HV) of the AC grid when the car is parked. The longer driving range of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV) and pure electric vehicles (BEV) is achieved by improving the battery capacity and the energy efficiency of electrical components. Typical development goals are efficient power conversion, power density, reliability and bidirectional (rather than unidirectional) power flow for 400v and 800v systems to enable future use cases (V2L, V2H and V2G). In this live broadcast, Infineon will provide you with a very detailed on-board charger OBC solution, as well as a wider product portfolio, bringing rich and flexible design to OBC.

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