Vertical evolution and horizontal comparison of NIO, Xpeng and Ideal autonomous driving capabilities
Vertical evolution path of autonomous driving system
1. NIO-Autonomous Driving System Vertical Evolution Path
In December 2017, the driving assistance system NIO Pilot was released for the first time on NIO Day;
In June 2019, the vehicle-machine system NIO OS was upgraded to NIO OS version 2.0.0 through OTA. The NIO Pilot system completed its first major upgrade, adding 7 new functions, including high-speed automatic assisted driving, congestion automatic assisted driving, and turn signal control. Lane changing, road traffic sign recognition, lane keeping function, front traffic warning, automatic parking assist system;
In February 2020, the vehicle-machine system NIO OS was upgraded to version 2.5.0. The NIO Pilot system added automatic emergency braking (pedestrians and bicycles), overtaking assistance, and lane avoidance functions;
In October 2020, the vehicle-machine system NIO OS was upgraded to version 2.7.0. The NIO Pilot system added the use of high-precision maps and added an automatic assisted navigation driving function (NOA); on the basis of the rear crossing vehicle warning function , the active braking function has been added; the driver fatigue monitoring function has been upgraded, and a new camera has been added to identify the driver's facial, eye and head posture characteristics, and comprehensive judgment can be made through a variety of information;
In January 2021, the vehicle-machine system NIO OS was upgraded to version 2.9.0. The NIO Pilot system added visual fusion automatic parking and vehicle short-distance summoning; the NOA function was optimized: the function was enhanced in active lane changing and merging. Stability in the scenario of entering/leaving the main road;
In January 2021, the autonomous driving system NAD was released on "NIO Day", including the NIO Aquila NIO super-sensing system and the NIO Adam NIO supercomputing platform; and will gradually achieve coverage of highways, urban areas, parking, etc. Point-to-point autonomous driving function experience in the scene.
Xpeng-Autonomous Driving System Vertical Evolution Path
In January 2019, the OTA upgrade was pushed to Xpeng G3 users for the first time. The upgraded Xpilot2.0 system added a vehicle key summoning function; the automatic parking function was optimized: automatic parking will adapt to more scenes and support shadows. parking spaces, ground lock identification is more accurate;
In June 2019, Xmart OS version 1.4 was pushed to Xpeng G3 users via OTA. After the upgrade, Xpeng G3 will have the ICA intelligent cruise assist function (LCC lane centering assist above 60km/h);
In July 2019, Xmart OS version 1.5 was pushed to G3 users through OTA. After the upgrade, the Xpeng G3 will have driving assistance functions such as automatic lane change assistance and traffic jam assistance;
Second quarter of 2020: XPILOT 3.0 hardware system will be implemented on Xpeng P7;
Fourth quarter of 2020: The basic functions of XPILOT 3.0 will be delivered, that is, ACC/LCC/ALC and other functions will be opened through OTA;
First quarter of 2021: Xmart OS version 2.5.0 was pushed to P7 users through OTA. Through this upgrade, the Xpeng P7 equipped with the XPILOT 3.0 system has the highway-NGP automatic navigation assisted driving function;
June 2021: The public beta of Xmart OS version 2.6.0 started. Through this upgrade, the Xpilot3.0 system added parking lot memory parking, smart high beams and driver status monitoring; at the same time, it also supports NGP automatic navigation assisted driving. The function and lane centering function have been optimized;
Xpilot 3.5 adds the NGP function in urban scenes and optimizes the parking memory parking function.
It is planned to start delivering Xpeng P5 to users in the fourth quarter of 2021. The urban scene NGP function in the Xpilot3.5 system will begin internal user testing at the end of the year and will be available to users through OTA in early 2022;
Ideal vehicle model development and vertical evolution path of autonomous driving systems
Li Auto's autonomous driving research and development progress is slightly behind NIO and Xpeng. However, since the company's IPO in the United States in July 2020 and the former Visteon chief architect Wang Kai joining Li Auto in September, Li Auto's progress has obviously Accelerating the pace of research and development in the field of autonomous driving;
Autonomous Driving System - Perception Solution
Note: √ There is this configuration, × There is no such configuration
摄像头方面 -增加了侧视和后视ADS摄像头;但是ADS前视却由3个摄像头变成了2个摄像头;
注:原因推测 -NAD系统采用ADS前视摄像头*2+侧前视摄像头(瞭望塔式布局)*2+前置激光雷达*1,完全能够覆盖到NIOpilot系统采用三目摄像头情况下的视野探测范围;
激光雷达 -增加了一个前置激光雷达
新增 C-V2X 通讯模块;
NIO Pilot 传感器配置(图片来源:蔚来官网)
类型: 双轴旋转镜扫描式混合固态激光雷达
探测距离: 250m@10%反射率
FOV (H&V): 120°*30°
角分辨率(H&V): 0.06°*0.06°
激光波长: 1550nm
7 颗ADS摄像头(8MP): 前视*2(前风挡)+ 侧前视*2(车顶前部两侧)+ 侧后视*2(翼子板) + 后视*1(车顶后部居中)
ADS 摄像头布置位置示意图
减小盲区: 在城市场景下,传感器视线很容易被绿化带和车辆遮挡,相较于安装在 B 柱和后视镜的摄像头,部署在车顶的高位侧前摄像头,能够减小盲区;
作为前向视觉冗余: 布置在车顶高位侧前摄像头,因位置高,故视野广,提高了前向视觉的冗余度。即使前向主摄像头不工作,依靠两个高位侧前摄像头,仍然可以实现前向视觉的完整感知。
2. 小鹏 - 自动驾驶系统感知解决方案
注: √有此配置,N/A 不适用,— unknown
ADS 摄像头 :前视摄像头由单目升级成三目摄像头+1颗前置单目摄像头,增加侧视(4颗)和后视(1颗)共5颗摄像头
毫米波雷达 :新增了两颗后置角雷达
新增了 高精地图 的应用
ADS 摄像头: 前视中去掉了1颗前置单目摄像头注:原因推测 - Xpilot3.5 系统中在车辆前部布置有两颗激光雷达,完全可替代之前的单目摄像头,起到感知冗余的作用。
激光雷达: 新增了2颗前置激光雷达
注: 紫色圆圈-前置中距毫米波雷达*1,橙色圆圈-后置近距毫米波雷达*1,绿色圆圈-环视摄像头*4,蓝色圆圈-前置主摄像头*1,红色圆圈-超声波雷达*12。
中距离雷达 :拥有广角/窄角两种探测角度,探测距离分别为:100米和160米;布置于前保险杠中间位置,主要用于前方目标物的探测与追踪。
近距离雷达 :探测距离0.36~80m;布置于后保险杠两侧,主要用于车身两侧后方障碍物的探测
感知传感器: ADS摄像头*9+环视摄像头*4+毫米波雷达*5+超声波雷达*12+DMS摄像头*1
9 颗ADS摄像头 :前置三目(前风挡)+前置单目(前风挡)+侧前视*2 (后视镜底座) +侧后视*2 (翼子板) +后视*1 (牌照板上部)
长距离窄视角摄像头(28°) :主要用于前向移动物体探测,如自动紧急制动,自适应巡航,前向碰撞预警
性能参数 :探测距离150m以上,分辨率-1828*948,像素-2MP,帧率-15fps
中距离主摄像头(52°): 主要用于交通信号灯识别、车道识别以及前方移动物体的探测, 如 交通信号灯探测,自动紧急制动,自适应巡航,前向碰撞预警,车道偏离预警
性能参数: 像素-2MP,帧率-60fps
短距离广视角摄像头(100°): 主要用于防加塞、雨量探测以及交通信号灯识别
性能参数: 像素-2MP,帧率-60fps
作用: 作为前置三目摄像头感知失效情况下的感知冗余传感器
类型: 双棱镜扫描式混合固态激光雷达
探测距离: 150m@10%反射率)
FOV (H&V): 120°*30°
角分辨率(H&V): 0.16°*0.2°
激光波长: 905nm
前视*3(前风挡,2MP像素)+ 侧前视*2(后视镜底座)+ 侧前视*2(翼子板)+ 后视*1(牌照板上部)
小鹏P5 – ADS摄像头布置位置示意图
3. 理想-自动驾驶系统感知解决方案
注: √有此配置 ,N/A 不适用,— unknown,(E)据推测
b.增加了 毫米波雷达 数量:新增加了4个角雷达
注: 上图可以看到前风挡位置有3颗摄像头:a. 上方的2颗中只有②为ADS摄像头,即用于行驶过程中的驾驶辅助摄像头;b. 另外1颗摄像头①为数据采集与收集摄像头,专门用于收集道路信息和驾驶场景等数据信息,便于后续对相关算法的训练与优化;c. 最下方的③摄像头为 行车记录仪摄像头 ;
2 )2021款理想One – 感知系统
a. 前置单目摄像头: 8MP像素,水平视角120°,探测距离200m
3 )理想X01 - 感知系统
感知系统配置: 激光雷达*1 + ADS摄像头*8(E)+环视摄像头*4+毫米波雷达*5(E)+超声波雷达*12+DMS摄像头*1
自动驾驶系统 - 计算平台
附表2. 三家造车新势力自动驾驶系统计算平台对比
1.蔚来 – 自动驾驶系统计算平台
a. EyeQ4 性能参数 : 算力 -2.5 TOPS, 功耗 -3W, 响应时间 -20ms, 制程工艺 -28nm, 芯片类型- ASIC
b. S32V 性能参数:算力 -9200 DMIPS, 处理器 -4核64位CPU Arm®Cortex®-A53 1GHZ ,4核32位CPUArm®Cortex®-M4 133MHZ
4* 高性能专用芯片: 2颗主控芯片+1颗冗余备份芯片+1颗群体智能与个性训练专用芯片
—— 2主控芯片 :实现NAD算法的全栈运算,包含多方案相互校验感知,多源的高精度定位,多模态的预测与决策;充足的算力确保NAD系统能够游刃有余地去处理复杂交通场景;
—— 1冗余备份芯片 :任何一个主芯片失效,NAD都可以确保安全
—— 1群体智能与个性训练专用芯片 :可以加快NAD的进化进度,同时又可以针对每个用户的用车环境进行个性化的本地训练,提升每位用户的自动驾驶体验;
超级图像处理流水线 :超高带宽的图像接口,ISP每秒可处理64亿像素
超高骨干数据网络 :将所有传感器和车辆系统的信号输入实时无损地分配到每一算力核心
1 )XPilot 2.5 自动驾驶计算平台
硬件: 采用 Mobileye的EyeQ4 模块
2 )Xpilot 3.0自动驾驶计算平台
Xpilot3.0 计算平台: 英伟达Xavier SoC+ 英飞凌Aurix MCU
b. 英飞凌Aurix MCU: (RISC处理器核心、微控制器和DSP整合在一个MCU)
自研部分包括 :XPU的平台软件(Xpilot系统架构)以及Xpilot 系统应用层软件:包括OTA、诊断服务、虚拟化、摄像头服务、CAN服务、自动驾驶应用(感知、定位、预测、路径规划等)等
Xpilot 3.0系统软件堆栈(图片来源–小鹏)
1 )2020款理想One搭载的自动驾驶计算平台
图像感知处理模块 :采用Mobileye EyeQ4芯片
控制决策模块: 由易航智能研发
2 )2021款理想One搭载的自动驾驶计算平台
处理芯片 :地平线征程3*2
自动驾驶域控制器: 德赛西威
主控芯片:SP控制器芯片- 英伟达Orin-x
操作系统: 理想X01将搭载其自研的实时操作系统Li OS
Li OS基于Linux内核深度定制开发,定制开发的部分包括:a. 内核的文件系统、IO系统和Boot引导等核心部分; b. 与其它应用层通讯的中间件部分;应用层部分则选择与战略供应商合作开发;
自动驾驶系统 – 功能实现
3) NAD系统会在NIO Pilot系统的基础上,新增一些基于场景的、集成式的高阶自动驾驶类功能: 换电站自动泊车,NAD低速及泊车自动驾驶等功能
注: 带“ * ”的功能,属于选配装置,后期订阅付费后可通过OTA升级获取
1 )Xpilot 3.0相比Xpilot 2.5:
2 )Xpilot 3.5相比Xpilot 3.0:
新增 城市场景NGP -自动导航辅助驾驶功能
提升停车 记忆泊车功能 体验:在停车场更好应对出入库车辆、对向来车、行人穿梭、连续直角弯等复杂场景
3. 理想–自动驾驶系统功能实现
1 )2020款理想One :主要是实现L2级驾驶辅助功能,在L2+高级别驾驶辅助功能上有所欠缺;
b. 前向传感器的感知能力具有一定的局限性
1. Judging from the autonomous driving R&D plans and self-research layouts of the three new car manufacturers, their strategic layout directions are relatively consistent, and they all want to build full-stack self-developed autonomous driving capabilities; because the hardware of future models will converge , the enterprise's software capabilities or software and hardware integration capabilities will be its core barrier;
2. In terms of sensing solutions for future high-end autonomous driving, the three new car-making forces will all adopt the "strong sensing" route of redundant sensing of multiple sensors including lidar + millimeter wave radar + camera; however, the evolution of autonomous driving technology will In addition to the combination of software and hardware, data is the key. Only by continuously accumulating local user data under China's complex road conditions and continuously optimizing software algorithms can we create a differentiated autonomous driving experience; Chinese local companies have a better understanding of road scenes with Chinese characteristics. Due to the driving habits of Chinese users, there is an opportunity to iterate on self-driving technology with a better experience in Chinese scenarios; for example, some special functions suitable for Chinese roads: traffic jam warning, night overtaking reminder, large truck avoidance, etc.;
4. In terms of functional implementation of mass-produced models, more attention will be paid to the implementation of specific user scenarios; starting from user scenarios, we will gradually realize point-to-point autonomous driving in three major scenarios: parking, highways, and urban areas;
5. Currently, autonomous driving technology is in a stage of continuous iterative development. OTA can realize rapid iteration of vehicle software, and can continue to add new functions or optimize existing functions to vehicles that have been delivered to users; however, OTA for new functions is also stronger than the hardware. Relatedly, if the hardware does not support it, software alone cannot achieve it. However, most of the hardware installed on current mass-produced models cannot be completed in one step. OEMs can only do their best based on their respective strengths - "Be forward compatible and try to be forward compatible."
1. NIO analysis of NIO’s new autonomous driving system
2. NIOPilot pilot assistance: How to define the world’s second best?
3. More stable than Tesla, be the first to experience Weilai NOP pilot assisted driving
4. NIO announced the progress of autonomous driving: abandoning the pure visual route and doing multi-sensor fusion
5. The road to upgrade NIO’s automatic assisted driving Pilot (with detailed explanation of super full functions)
6. From the 2019 PPT, explore the autonomous driving of Xpeng P7 (XPilot3.0)
7. From G3 to P7, 2.5 to 3.0, the evolution history of Xpeng XPILOT advanced assisted driving system
8. Vice President of Xpeng Autonomous Driving: Autonomous driving, system architecture pilot function evolution and P7 case analysis
9. ICA Intelligent Cruise Assist is launched and Xpeng G3 intelligent driving enters the L2 era
10. From G3 to P7, 2.5 to 3.0, the evolution history of Xpeng XPILOT advanced assisted driving system
11.A picture overview of Xpeng P7 suppliers
12. Core information of Xpeng P7 OTA upgrade briefing session
13. The success rate is 99.99%. Xiaopeng disclosed key OTA data and will soon launch new features that will surprise you.
14. From Nokia to new cars, a chief architect decided to devote himself to "ideal"
15. Dialogue with Ideal CTO Wang Kai: Decrypting the Admission Ticket for 2025 Autonomous Driving Enterprises
16. OmniVision Group's comprehensive vehicle vision solution equips the ideal ONE car with the "smart eye" for intelligent driving
17. What do you think of the Ideal ONE autonomous driving system?
18. Li Xiang announced Li Auto’s autonomous driving roadmap for the first time
19. Li Xiang’s “popular product” strategy: exploring the essence of user needs, not user-centered
20. The ideal X01 configuration with luxurious hardware configuration is suspected to be exposed
21. Ideal ONE rear-ended a large truck again! The police have issued a notice claiming that Ideal ONE is solely responsible