Unijunction transistor trigger circuit
Source: InternetPublisher:两手空空 Keywords: Unijunction transistor trigger circuit BSP Updated: 2020/04/05
(1) Precautions for selecting a single-junction transistor ① When selecting a single-junction transistor, the reverse voltage U
between its emitter and base (bi). b. . It must be greater than the external power supply voltage
(synchronous voltage) to avoid breakdown.
② It is necessary to correctly select the partial voltage ratio of the tube, the valley point voltage U, and the valley point current I. . In the trigger circuit , I hope to use
a slightly larger Diao, U. Lower, J. , larger single-junction transistors , which will increase the output pulse amplitude and phase adjustment range.
③When installing, try to avoid heating components.
④When used as a relaxation oscillator, Ri, Rz, R and C must be selected correctly, otherwise the oscillation cannot be started.
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