Home > Control Circuits > One of the automatic water supply control circuits for simultaneous monitoring of water towers and reservoirs a

One of the automatic water supply control circuits for simultaneous monitoring of water towers and reservoirs a

Source: InternetPublisher:消失的歌 Keywords: Control circuit BSP water level control water tower water level Updated: 2021/09/21

27. One of the automatic water supply control circuits for simultaneous monitoring of water towers and reservoirs a.gif

In some places, the water supply to the water tower is restricted by the water level of the reservoir (or well), and
an automatic water supply control system is required that can simultaneously monitor the water tower and the reservoir (or well). That is to say, when entering the water, in addition to being controlled by the water level of the water area , it is also controlled by the water level
of the reservoir to avoid the accident of burning the water pump due to idling of the water pump due to no water in the reservoir or too low water level.     The circuit design is based on:     ① The automatic start of the water pump must meet two conditions at the same time, that is, the water level in the water tower drops to the lower water level and there is water in the reservoir (that is, the water level is above the lower water level);     ② The condition for the water pump to stop pumping water is that the water level in the water tower rises. to the upper water level or the water level in the reservoir drops to the lower water level.




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