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Design and analysis of voice control circuit

Source: InternetPublisher:失踪的猫 Keywords: Voice control circuit Updated: 2024/11/08

Voice control circuit
The working principle of the device application circuit is shown in Figure 7. This is an experiment of a voice-controlled electric lamp. Of course, its load can also be other electrical appliances. When the ⑥ and ⑨ pins of the voice-controlled integrated circuit SK-Ⅱ output a low level, the lighting lamp H goes out. When clapping hands or blowing a whistle or knocking an object within a certain distance (3-5m), the sound waves are picked up by the microphone MIC and converted into electrical signals and sent to SK-Ⅱ for amplification, delay, frequency selection, until the circuit working state is reversed, causing the ⑥ and ⑨ pins of SK-Ⅱ to output a high level, the light-emitting diode LED lights up, and the ④ pin of the controller DM obtains a high level to turn it on, and the lighting lamp H lights up. Since the output of SK-Ⅱ is bistable, the lighting lamp H remains on until the next sound trigger flips the circuit, and H goes out.




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