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Common emitter amplifier circuit a

Source: InternetPublisher:D先生 Keywords: Common emitter amplifier circuit BSP resistor output signal Updated: 2021/12/16

1.<strong>Common emitter amplifier circuit</strong>a.gif

Common emitter amplifier circuit a

 (1) The structure and key components of the common emitter amplifier circuit
    The common emitter amplifier circuit refers to the basic amplifier circuit with the emitter (e) as the common ground terminal for the input signal and the output signal . The basic structure of the circuit
is shown in Figure 1-1. Its key components include a triode, four resistors and two capacitors.
    The bias resistors 1 and R in the circuit supply power to the transistor base (b) through the power supply; the load resistor Re
supplies power to the transistor collector (c) through the power supply; both capacitors function to communicate AC and isolate DC. coupling capacitor; resistor RL is the
load resistor carrying the output signal .
    The biggest difference between NPN type and PhrP type transistor amplifiers is the power supply: for amplifiers using NPN transistors, the power supply
is the positive power supplied to the collector of the transistor (c); for amplifiers using PNP transistors, the power supply is supplied from the negative power supply. into
the collector of the transistor (c).
    The input signal is added between the base (b) and emitter (e) of the transistor, and the output signal is taken from
between the collector (c) and emitter (e) of the transistor. It can be seen that the emitter (e ) is the common terminal of the input signal and the output signal , so it is called a common emitter transistor amplifier and
is often used in transistor voltage amplification circuits.




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