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Infrared voice control circuit

Source: InternetPublisher:已注销 Keywords: Control circuit infrared voice control Updated: 2021/05/16

48.<strong>Infrared</strong>Voice<strong>Control Circuit</strong>.gif

The TX05D in the infrared voice control   circuit diagram is an infrared emission and reflection detection switch with a volume of only 32mm ×
17mm × 48mm. The output of the module is a two-core shielded wire of about one meter. The red wire is connected to the positive power supply and the white wire is the output. , the shielding layer copper mesh
is grounded. Its advantages are reliable operation and relatively long detection distance. When the working voltage is 12V, the detection distance can be adjusted between 20-100em
, and the action distance can also be adjusted according to the actual situation of the promotion site. Let the customer approach the product within a certain distance, and the customer's body will
reflect the infrared beam emitted by IX05D into the infrared receiving transistor, and the TX05D will act and output a high level . After the inversion and level shaping of the NOT gates Fl and F2,
the potentiometer RP1 charges to G. The time constant of the charging circuit is about 3s. You can change the delay trigger time by adjusting RP1.
If the customer just passes in front of the product, the stay time is less than 3s. When the voltage across C9 has not reached the flipping level of F3, F2 has
become low level, and the voltage across G is instantly released by the diode VDZ. When the customer stops for more than 3 seconds, F3 flips and outputs a low level
to trigger the voice circuit APR9600 to work, and VD1 is an inverting high-voltage diode.




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