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Electric energy measurement circuit a

Source: InternetPublisher:黄土马家 Keywords: Electric energy measurement BSP current transformer Updated: 2020/05/17

10.<strong>Energy Measurement</strong><strong>Circuits</strong>a.gif

An electric energy meter is an instrument that measures electrical energy. Electric energy meter is available. To measure AC electric energy, DC electric energy can also be measured. tE tI Electric meters that measure AC electric energy
can be divided into two types of meters that measure active electric energy and reactive electric energy. Electric energy meters that measure active electric energy can be divided into two types: single-phase and three-phase electric energy meters. .
    Measuring circuit of single-phase active electric energy meter,
    1) Requirements for single-phase active electric energy meter measurement wiring:
    ① Before wiring, check whether the model and specifications of the electric energy meter are suitable for the load. The rated voltage of the electric energy meter should not be lower than the power supply voltage, and the rated
current should not be lower than the load current. When distributing a current transformer , it should not be less than the secondary maximum load current of the transformer.
    ② The connecting wires of the electric energy meter must use single-strand insulated copper wires. For the current loop, the cross-sectional area of ​​the wires is not less than 2. 5mmz, and
the cross-sectional area of ​​the voltage loop wires is not less than 1. 5mmz:
    ③ The wires connecting the electric energy meter and other components , no joints are allowed in the middle.
    ④The neutral line should be connected from one terminal of the electric energy meter and then taken out from the other terminal.
    ⑤The switch and fuse should be connected to the load side of the energy meter. @When wiring     , pay attention to the polarity of the electric ship meter, that is ,
    the voltage coil and current coil marked "*... Connect to the ground.     ⑧ The crimping screws connecting all terminals of the electric energy meter to the wires must be tightened, and the wire ends must have clear and obvious signs.     2) Measuring circuit: Connect the electric energy meter to a single-phase 220V AC circuit . The electric energy consumed by the phase load is measured. This wiring method is called straight-in wiring. The straight-in wiring method of single-head active energy meter is generally divided into two types: jump-in wiring and drop-in wiring.




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