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Separate local compensation capacitor circuit

Source: InternetPublisher:公子李 Keywords: Compensation capacitor BSP high voltage Updated: 2021/05/10

18. Separate local<strong>compensation capacitor</strong><strong>circuit</strong>.gif

 Separate local compensation is also called individual compensation or divided compensation. The parallel capacitor is assembled
next to each electrical equipment that needs reactive power compensation. This compensation method can compensate for
the reactive power in all high and low voltage lines and transformers at the installation site, so it has the largest compensation range and
the best compensation effect, and should be given priority. However, the total investment of this compensation method is relatively large, and the capacitor
bank will also be removed when the compensated electrical equipment stops working, so its utilization
rate is low. This independent local compensation method is particularly suitable for
equipment with stable load, frequent operation and large capacity, such as large electric motors, high-frequency electric furnaces, etc. It is also suitable for equipment with small capacity
but large quantity and stable operation for a long time. equipment (such as fluorescent lamps). For the compensation of basic reactive power on the high-voltage side and low-voltage side
of the
power supply system, it is still advisable to adopt the high-voltage centralized compensation and low-voltage centralized compensation methods. The figure shows the wiring diagram of
    a separate locally compensated low-voltage capacitor bank directly connected to the induction motor .
This kind of capacitor bank usually uses the winding resistance of the electrical equipment itself to discharge.
    In the factory power supply system, in fact, the various compensation methods mentioned above are generally applied comprehensively in order to
achieve the total reactive power compensation requirements economically and reasonably, so that
the power factor of the factory power supply line at the maximum load is not lower than the specified value. When high voltage enters the line, it should generally not be lower than 0.9.




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