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3~15V 10A adjustable voltage regulated power supply

Source: InternetPublisher:newrudeman Keywords: Regulated power supply Updated: 2024/08/15

Low-voltage, high-current regulated DC power supplies are often used in electronic experiments. The output voltage of this circuit is continuously adjustable from 3V to 15V, and the maximum load current can reach 10A. It also uses the high-precision standard voltage source integrated circuit TL431 with temperature compensation characteristics. It has high voltage regulation accuracy and can meet the general experimental maintenance needs of electronic enthusiasts.

This circuit is basically the same as the ordinary series voltage-stabilized power supply. The difference is that it uses the high-precision standard voltage source integrated circuit TL431 with temperature compensation characteristics, so the circuit is simple, easy to make, and has high voltage stabilization performance.

In the figure, the resistor R4, the voltage regulator integrated circuit TL431 and the adjustable potentiometer R* form a continuously adjustable constant voltage source to provide a reference voltage for the base of BG2. The voltage regulation value of the voltage regulator integrated circuit TL431 is continuously adjustable. This voltage regulation value determines the maximum output voltage of the voltage regulator power supply. If you want to expand the adjustable voltage range, you can change the resistance value of R4 and the adjustable potentiometer.

The transformer power is selected to be around 200W, and the secondary voltage is 15V. The four diodes of the rectifier bridge are 2CZ58C (10A/100V). The voltage regulator BG1 should be a high-power triode with a metal package. Since it generates a lot of heat, the heat sink area should be increased as much as possible.

10A regulated power supply




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