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Single switch controls multiple street light circuits

Source: InternetPublisher:newlandmark Keywords: Switch Control Updated: 2024/09/05

Assuming it is a six-lamp chandelier, if a double-brightness control circuit is installed (as shown in Figure 1), when the switch S is turned on for the first time, DS1~DS3 will light up. If S is turned off and on again, DS1~DS6 will all light up. If it is a double-lamp ceiling lamp, the two power lamps can be controlled to light up separately (as shown in Figure 2). When the switch S is turned on for the first time, DS1 will light up (60w); if S is turned off and on again, DS1 will go out and DS2 will light up (100w), achieving the purpose of double-brightness control of a single-pole switch. Usually, as long as the time interval between turning S on and off twice is greater than a certain value (8 seconds for this circuit), it is equivalent to using a single-pole single-open switch.

The circuit principle is shown in Figure 3.1:1 and the PCB circuit board diagram is shown in Figure 4.

Working principle:

When the switch S is turned on for the first time, the 220V AC power supply is limited by C4, rectified by D5, filtered by C3, and stabilized by D4 to obtain a DC voltage of 12V. Then, it is divided by R2 and R3 to provide a trigger level to the ④ pin of CD4013, and the trigger is reset. That is, Q=0, Q=1, Q1 is cut off, and K1 is not attracted. When s is disconnected. Due to the "energy storage" effect of capacitor C2, the trigger in CD4013 maintains the original state. Within this effective time, if the switch S is turned on again, the 12V voltage connected is equivalent to a trigger level for the ③ pin (CP) of the trigger, and the trigger flips, that is, Q=0, Q=1, Q1 is saturated and turned on, and K1 is attracted. If S is turned on and off continuously for many times, the above working process will be repeated.

The size of C2 capacity determines the effective holding time of the original state of CD4013. According to experimental measurements, when C2=22μF and the interval between the first light off and the second light on is greater than 8 seconds, the original state of the trigger remains invalid, that is, when the switch S is turned on again, the trigger is still in the reset state, that is, Q=0. At this time, S is equivalent to the usual single-pole switch controlling a lamp (group): if the time interval between the two turns on and off is less than 8 seconds. When S is closed for the second time, the previous state of the trigger flips. According to experimental measurements, when C2=33μF, it is effective within 12 seconds, and when C2: 47μF, it is effective within 18 seconds. C2 can be selected according to actual needs. R8 is the discharge circuit of the voltage across C2. If it is unsoldered or open, the voltage across C2 will be maintained for a long time. This is mainly because the CMOS integrated circuit consumes very little power, which will prevent the normal single-pole switch from controlling a single light when S is turned on and off.

Note that CD4013 is a dual D flip-flop. The above circuit only uses 1/2 CD4013. The remaining 1/2 has all inputs connected to ground and the output is left floating.





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