PLC transmission line automatic reclosing control circuit
Source: InternetPublisher:奥特man123 Keywords: PLC control circuit transmission line BSP Updated: 2020/06/15
Control process analysis of
the control process of the j-phase automatic reclosing device of the transmission line
(2) PLC model selection and 1/0 definition
According to the needs of the actual application, the controller of the automatic reclosing device can choose a small PLC from OMRON Company, and the input is 12 points , the output
is 8 points, the power supply voltage is AC100-240V. The I/O terminal definition of PLC is shown in Table 26-3, and the external wiring is shown in Figure 26-7. The input terminal of the PLC
is connected to the control switch K (its nodes include Kl, K2, K3, and K4), the closing pressure locking switch SQ1, the opening pressure locking switch SQ2, and the circuit breaker
auxiliary contact DL. The output terminal is connected to the circuit breaker closing contactor HC, the accelerating trip contactor 1JK, and the trip locking contactor 2JK.
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