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Analysis of the working principle of car garage door lights

Source: InternetPublisher:aytwartoofyoroo Keywords: Lighting automatic garage Updated: 2025/01/14

Garage door light is very important and it can be a pain when we open it and leave without closing it. This leads to wastage of electricity and our energy. Garage light automation can solve this problem. The above circuit is designed to automate the garage light


Working principle of car garage door light:

The reed switch and the non-gate form the main components of this circuit. A reed switch is something that the conductors touch when a magnet comes close to it. Thus providing conductivity for the current to pass through it. The logic here is to attach a simple bar magnet to the base of the garage door and set the reed switch to where the door comes close to it when closed. I have added a simple animation demonstrating the working of a reed switch for better understanding.

Reed Switch Operation

The rest of the circuit is self-explanatory. So when the door is closed, the reed switch provides electrical contacts and a logic high input to the NOT gate. The NOT gate in turn provides a logic 0 as an output, keeping the light off. When the garage door is opened, the reed switch opens the disconnect contacts and the NOT gate in turn provides a logic 1 as an output. This in turn drives the MOSFET to drive the light connected to it.


  • This circuit can be used in other places such as cabinets, shelves, etc.




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