Home > Power Circuits > Induction automatic switch circuit

Induction automatic switch circuit

Source: InternetPublisher:傻阿乐 Keywords: Switching circuit automatic switch BSP output voltage Updated: 2021/06/25

43. Induction automatic<strong>switching circuit</strong>.gif

For constant current protection circuits, due to overcurrent and short circuit, the output current is only limited to a certain value, the output voltage drops, and the overcurrent time
is slightly longer. The power tube and CW200 may still be damaged due to excessive power consumption. Figure 12-44 shows a current-reducing high-current voltage regulator. It lies in
the use of Zener diode VS to have an impact on VT1: when
the output current exceeding the rated value flows through the sampling resistor R. When, the protection transistor
VT1 is turned on and the circuit enters the constant current protection state.
    When the output voltage drops below the stable voltage value UD (10V) of the hidden voltage diode vs , vs injects current into the base of VT1
through VD2, RP3, RP2 , causing the output voltage Uo to further drop, vs will become the key to maintain CW200 at Main factors of conservation status , R^. The voltage drop on the device becomes a secondary factor, thus playing a role in protecting the device and power tube. In the circuit, RP2 is used to fine- tune the current limiting point, and RP3 is used to adjust the degree of current reduction.     The above briefly introduces the three basic uses of the CW200 integrated voltage regulator. When using this voltage regulator, you should pay attention to adding a large enough heat sink. The wattage of the heat sink is estimated according to Pw - Jo (U, - soul), where L is the output current, U; is the input voltage, U is The appropriate value of the output voltage t嫫-UO is 5-8v. When using this voltage regulator, the input and output damping capacitors must be non-inductive capacitors.




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