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Dimming remote control circuit

Source: InternetPublisher:sigma Keywords: Remote control circuit BSP AC voltage regulating circuit pulse Updated: 2021/12/04

37. Dimming<strong>remote control circuit</strong>.gif

, if the thyristor works on barrier conduction and turn-off,
it is a contactless switch. If the trigger pulse is shifted in the flip-flop to control
the conduction angle of the positive and negative half cycles of the thyristor output, it becomes an AC voltage regulating circuit . The AC voltage regulator
works very similarly to the controlled rectifier, except that it outputs AC with positive and negative half cycles
instead of current. Thyristor AC voltage regulating circuit has replaced
mechanical voltage regulating equipment that is bulky, generates a lot of heat, is costly, and consumes a lot of copper and iron. Thyristor AC voltage regulation circuits can be used in electric furnaces, electrolysis, and electroplating power supplies with rated currents
of several thousand amperes, as well as dimming desk lamps and speed-regulating lamps for household use . At present, in practical AC voltage regulation equipment, it is more and more common to use bidirectional thyristors to replace two ordinary thyristors connected in reverse parallel, which greatly simplifies the trigger circuit.     This is a home dimming desk lamp circuit. Adjust RP for stepless voltage regulation, and the light can change continuously. This circuit can also replace the lamp with other household appliance loads, such as conveniently adjusting the speed of electric fans, small blowers, and hand drills, the temperature of electric stoves, electric blankets, electric irons, and soldering irons, and the brightness of floor lamps and wall lamps, etc.




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