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Analysis of the reasons why bow-tie antennas are preferred over microstrip antennas for 5G antennas

Source: InternetPublisher:走马观花 Keywords: Antenna Wireless Communication 5G Updated: 2024/12/13

    Bow tie antenna

5G wireless communications is now a reality, thanks to the clear strengths and advantages it offers; for example, it provides highly reliable universal connectivity with large and diverse amounts of data and wider bandwidth. Traditionally, microstrip phased array antennas are used in 5G communication systems; thanks to their compactness, efficiency and ease of integration into MMICs; however, they have limited bandwidth. To achieve wider bandwidth, some authors have suggested using bow-tie antennas with a pair of radiators printed on both sides of the substrate.


    Figure 1. 8-element bow-tie antenna array

    HFWorks Modeling of Bow-Tie Antenna

    The virtual prototype antenna simulator HFWorks was used to build and simulate a 10x5.5x1.5 mm double-sided bow-tie antenna array printed on a 0.94 mm FR4 substrate with eight elements; 5G frequencies from 24 to 32 GHz. Here are some HFWorks results:



    Figure 4. Gain


    Figure 5. Overall efficiency


    Figure 6. Beam steering animation

    From the above results, it can be seen that this bow antenna array has a wide bandwidth in the 5G frequency band of 24 to 32 GHz; it also has impressive beam steering capabilities.

    in conclusion

    Using HFWorks, we simulated a 10x5.5x1.5 mm double-sided bow-tie antenna array printed on a 0.94 mm FR4 substrate with 8 elements at 5G frequencies from 24 to 32 GHz. Unlike microstrip phased array antennas, Bow-Tie has wide bandwidth and impressive beam steering capabilities.




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