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Circuit tracking remote control schematic diagram

Source: InternetPublisher:武林萌主 Keywords: remote control BSP Updated: 2021/08/21

49.<strong>Circuit</strong>Tracking<strong>Remote Control</strong><strong>Schematic</strong>.gif

The circuit consists of two parts,
    (1) Power supply circuit The power supply is transformed by T to reduce the AC 220V to 33V. After full-wave rectification, filtering and three-terminal voltage stabilization, it outputs +24V
and -}-lzv respectively to power the control circuit. Among them, __-24V can also be used as AC 24V.
    (Z) Control circuit photodiodes are often
combined with 555 circuits to form various control circuits . The figure shows a
practical automatic tracking remote control for solar water heaters (solar cookers).
The photodiode VD1 is installed in a directional light receiving tube, which
is 2 degrees ahead of the light receiving direction of the solar water heater. The 555
works as a lag comparator. When sunlight directly hits the photodiode VD1
(3DU12), its resistance decreases and the current increases, causing the 555③
terminal to output a low level, the relay J is closed, the normally open contact is connected to
the motor power supply, and the motor drives the solar energy through the reduction gear The water heater
runs clockwise. When the sunlight illuminating VD1 weakens, 555 outputs
a high level, the relay J is normally open and the electric shock is disconnected, cutting off the electrode circuit
power supply, and the motor stops rotating. In this way, the solar water
heater always follows the sun, chasing the
direct sunlight, which is called "I follow when the sun goes", to achieve the best light receiving state.




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