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6-Transistor Tilden H-Bridge Circuit Analysis

Source: InternetPublisher:武林萌主 Keywords: Drivers transistors H-bridge circuits Updated: 2024/01/03

This picture is definitely a 6-transistor Tilden H-bridge circuit; while not as old as the original "Basic H-Bridge", it is "coming back" and will be the basis for many BEAM driver circuits.

6-Transistor TildenH-Bridge Circuit

BruceRobinson's explanation of this circuit:

A long time ago I made some modified drawings for Ian so he could put them on beam-online. However, they were not released with the extensive modifications he was doing.

Attached (pledging Ian's indulgence), will be two versions of the circuit, one open with a positive input and the other (for a quad) with a negative input.

Ian demonstrates the 100k input resistor. I've been applying 47k resistors successfully. Tilden's report recommends no less than 50k (I assume 47k is close enough) and a maximum of around 20Meg.

I also observed a slight decrease in speed when using these bridges, but only about 10% or so.

technical details:

up to 800mA capacity (using PN2222 and PN2907 transistors)

Not "smoke proof" (i.e. it cannot handle drive voltage in both directions simultaneously)

30 connections per bridge (so if you make a PCB you'll need 30 holes)




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