Home > Control Circuits > Resistor-capacitance triggered one-way thyristor dimming light circuit

Resistor-capacitance triggered one-way thyristor dimming light circuit

Source: InternetPublisher:通通 Keywords: Thyristor trigger resistance and capacitance Updated: 2020/10/16

25.<strong>Resistor-capacitance</strong><strong>Trigger</strong> Unidirectional<strong>Thyristor</strong>Dimmer<strong>Circuit</strong>.gif

A unidirectional thyristor light circuit using a resistor
-capacitor component to form a trigger circuit. The 220V AC power is converted into a DC pulsating voltage through a V Dl -VD4 bridge rectifier, and is added between the anode and cathode of the thyristor VT.
RP, R and c form a trigger circuit. The DC pulsating voltage is overcharged through RP and the radial capacitor Ct. When the overvoltage reaches a certain
level, the transistor VT is turned on and the bulb E is energized and emits light. When the pulsating voltage applied between the anode and cathode of VT
crosses zero, VT is naturally turned off, and the power supply crosses RI, R to C. Charging, the circuit repeats the above process. Adjusting
the potentiometer RP can change the charging rate of G, so it can change the conduction angle of the thyristor VT, thereby
changing the effective value of the current flowing through the bulb E to achieve the purpose of special-level dimming. The characteristic of this circuit is
low production cost. The disadvantage is that the voltage across the bulb will change with changes in temperature and input voltage.
    Guzhong, J. and (1. Form an absorption circuit to
prevent high-order harmonics from entering the power circuit and interfering with the normal operation
of household appliances such as radios and televisions . Use a commercially available 200}1H inductor for the L port. If you make your own, you can use 5mm Wrap high-strength polyester enameled wire around iMfliW's carbon film resistor L for 80 turns, and then solder the two wire ends to the pins of the resistor. RP should use a 2W linear (x) type potentiometer, and VT can use 1A, 600V Small plastic-encapsulated unidirectional thyristor , such as MCR100-8 type, etc.




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