Home > Control Circuits > Delay lamp circuit using power switch integrated circuit (2)

Delay lamp circuit using power switch integrated circuit (2)

Source: InternetPublisher:宋元浩 Keywords: power switch integrated circuit Updated: 2021/07/24

82. Delay lamp circuit using <strong>power switch</strong><strong>integrated circuit</strong> (2).gif

It is a delay lamp using a power switch integrated circuit with another connection method. This LU circuit uses
the strobe terminal of TWHS751, that is,
pin ②, to control the
level state of pin ④ of the output terminal . It is just that the high and low levels of its level
control the output terminal and the high and low
of the input terminal (i.e., pin ①). The control levels are reversed. When the switch SB is pressed , the electric lamp E lights up through In, and at the same time. 220V AC city electric decoder JE, VD1 ~ VD4 rectifier, input current voltage of about L2V. Because of the capacitance C, the voltage at both ends is small and can cause sudden changes. The ② pin of the power switch integrated circuit is low level, and the LL pin ① is island level, so the output terminal ④ pin is low level . The relay K acts to pull in, and the electric shock k1 is closed, so that Button SB is white-locked, so after releasing SH, lamp E can still light up the cup. Then the DC power passes through R. Turn on the power to f1, so that the voltage at terminal c continues to rise. When it rises to 16V, the final Darlington tube inside TWH87j1 is cut off, the ④ pin is suspended, the relay K is released, the contact kl jumps open, and the light E Off . The iLL path delay time is mainly caused by Qiu and C. The charging time is determined by Chang Jing.




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