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HM9901 touch step dimming light circuit

Source: InternetPublisher:蓝猫淘气 Keywords: Touch type dimmer light HM Updated: 2021/09/14

136.<strong>HM</strong>9901<strong>Touch</strong>Step<strong>Dimmer Lamp</strong><strong>Circuit</strong>.gif

It is a touch-type step-dimming desk lamp made of HM9901 integrated circuit
. When M is touched repeatedly, the brightness of the bulb F changes from dark light to ten, medium light, ten brightest, ten off, dark light, one... and changes cyclically, corresponding to
the conduction of the thyristor VTH. The angles are 1 9 respectively. ,75. ,115. And off.
    The HM9901 integrated circuit is manufactured
using CMOS technology . The power supply voltage range is 6.8-9V, the operating current is ≤ 0.5mA, the output current at the output terminal is ≥40mA, and the maximum oscillation frequency is 300kHz (±∞%). HM 9901 has two package forms: standard DIP 8 and 8-pin black paste soft seal . The functions of each pin are: ① Pin CK, which is the synchronous clock signal input terminal; ② Pin Fl, which is the 60Hz/50Hz AC frequency input terminal; ③ Pin Vm is the positive terminal of the power supply; ④ pin TI is the touch sensing input terminal; ⑤ pin f'I is the sensitivity control input terminal; ⑥ pin se is the circuit status control input terminal; ⑦ pin V. ,, the negative terminal of the power supply; ⑧ pin AT, is the pulse signal output terminal to drive and trigger the thyristor. If the VTH of this circuit uses a small plastic bidirectional thyristor such as MAC97A6, it can drive an incandescent bulb below 100W; if the VTH uses an RTl 3fi bidirectional thyristor, it can drive an incandescent bulb below 200W. If you want to drive a larger load, you can add an appropriate and secret aluminum heat sink plate to the thyristor 7 or replace it with a bidirectional thyristor with a larger current.




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